Bistro cuisine revisited by chef Cyril Lignac.

Aux Prés Restaurant Review:
Cyril Lignac, famous as a featured chef on the M6 TV channel, is a likeable and modest professional, all too often unfairly disparaged by the gastronomic press. He has brought his bistro-style cuisine from his original Chardenoux in the eleventh arrondissement to Saint-Germain-des-Prés, taking over the restaurant Claude Sainlouis and refreshing the décor with some modern finery. The whole setting is rather nice and comfortable, with leather banquettes and ceiling lights. The counter is suitable for nibbling and drinking an apéritif. The traditional courses are well done, including salad of lamb’s lettuce, truffles and potatoes; pâté en croûte; and boudin noir. Also offered are fusion dishes like beef empanadas with eggplant and spicy tomato sauce, and tandoori lamb shoulder with spelt semolina.