"Roadside" Indian fare a notch above the rest in Murray Hill.

Dhaba Restaurant Review:
In India, highways are littered with truck-stop-like eateries called dhaba, serving up easy, comforting dishes. In New York, smack in the center of "Curry Hill," is another Dhaba, this one far from the no-frills environs of a sub-continental truck-stop. The chic eatery, complete with Edison light bulbs, plenty of color, and professional service, has a unique menu. There’s a section dedicated to British-style curries, which may seem ho-hum at first, but include some uncommon preparations on these shores, including balcho, a dish from Goa that’s loaded with curry leaves and mustard seeds. Chaats give you a good taste of Indian street food, including potato patties and chickpeas with yogurt and stuffed puri served with tamarind water. There’s enough on the menu --- stuffed naan, kebabs, and scores of vegetarian options --- that several visits are necessary to get a decent sampling. And for the lover of good Indian food, this isn’t a problem.