2014 COLCOA French Film Festival Lineup | Los Angeles, CA

The weeklong festival will showcase more than 41 features, including three international premieres, 17 North American or U.S. premieres and 16 West Coast premieres.
Los Angeles, CA, April 2014
Returning for the 18th year is the annual City of Lights, City of Angels (COLCOA) Film Festival in Los Angeles, which features French films ranging from shorts to documentaries to comedies to romances.
Among the events are the North American premiere of “Salaud, on t’aime“, (We Love You, You Bastard), directed by Claude Lelouch, co-written by Lelouch and Valérie Perrin, and starring Johnny Hallyday, Sandrine Bonnaire and Eddy Mitchell; a screening of Jacky in the Kingdom of Women, written and directed by Riad Sattouf, starring Charlotte Gainsbourg; and an exclusive presentation of the heist movie The Last Diamond, co-written and directed by Eric Barbier, featuring Bérénice Bejo and Yvan Attal.
Take note of the returning themed series, such as the COLCOA Classics Series, which will run until the last day of the festival and include an homage to writer/director François Truffaut on April 25; the After 10 Series (April 22-26); the Happy Hour Talk Series in association with Variety (April 22-26); the Film Noir Series (April 25), the French New Wave 2.0 Series in association with Indiewire (April 26); the Short Film Competition (April 27); The Focus on a Filmmaker (Cédric Klapisch: April 24) and The Focus on a Producer (Bruno Levy: April 26).
All screenings will be in French with English subtitles. Family-oriented animated films will be dubbed in English.
When: April 21, 2014 – April 28, 2014
Admission: Ticket prices are $11 for adults; $8 for seniors and members of American Cinematheque, ASC, ICG, Film Independent, Cine Family, SAG, and Women in Film; $3 for students and under 21. Tickets are complimentary for DGA and WGAW guild members.
Where: 7920 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90046, U.S.A.