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Anchorage Restaurant Ratings

Food Ratings of Anchorage Restaurants

See an explanation of GAYOT's ratings system

Rating System

GAYOT's 20-point rating scale developed from the system that launched Nouvelle Cuisine in the early 1970s and resembles the grading range used for students in France.

We focus on the quality of the food, while reserving our analysis of the décor, service and ambiance for the establishment's review.

Select Rating:

Seven Glaciers Restaurant

Crow's Nest Restaurant
The Marx Bros. Cafe

Double Musky Inn
Jack Sprat
Jens' Restaurant
Kincaid Grill
Kinley’s Restaurant & Bar

Snow City Cafe
Southside Bistro

The Rustic Goat
Simon & Seafort’s
Spenard Roadhouse

Bear Tooth Theatrepub & Grill
City Diner
Firetap Alehouse
Glacier Brewhouse


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